Hiding Poker Tells from your Opponents
When you play poker,
you play against players wearing sunglasses, hoodies, or faces seemingly devoid
of all the emotions you can think of. Are you having a hard time reading these
opponents? Or maybe you think you are giving away a lot about your game? Poker
players need to constantly and consistently try to learn about poker tells.
Poker tells are audible or visual clues given out by
players and these behavioural clues give you a clue of how they will play their
cards. You can classify poker online
tells as those you will see, you will hear, and also can based them on the
betting patterns of your opponent.
Poker players will somehow giveaway a clue if they have
strong hands or weak hands. This poker games online tells are instant and
subconscious most of the time. Most player who are new to the game cannot
control these clues. Be curious with how opponents use their hands, their eyes,
breathing, and other gestures.
How to control poker tells to play poker:
You really can try to control giving away your real
intention by avoiding the obvious things like excessive talking, re-checking
your cards whenever you hit a set, or warning other players that you have a
great hand.
Try to standardize your movement. Make a routine movement
when you bet and how you bring those chips to the middle of the table. Make
your movements similar to each other all the time to conceal any clue about
your cards and your real intention. Be consistent and you will not have so much
give away poker tells.
Be conscious with how you speak on the poker online India
table and how you breathe when you see a good card or a bad card.
Also watch your eye movements (no pun intended). Most
players will check the chips when they make a hand or maybe look at their
opponents. Bluffing players will often avoid eye contact.
Study very well how you can standardize your betting.
Take the same pace when you bet or call raises. Do not act too quickly but do
not be too slow. Also be wary of being too excited and betting really big when
you raise pre–flop.
Being robot like when playing is really a good way to
conceal your poker tells. And that takes some practice.
Happy playing!
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