Helpful Habits On & Off the Poker Felts
A Poker Routine of Sorts!
They say habits die hard, which means if a man
works towards doing a certain task in a certain way, it becomes ingrained in
their subconscious mind. Making it worth your while in play poker requires you to do
the same because you have to make logical decisions in a split of a second.
Therefore, the decisions you make are based on your knowledge that is stored in
your subconscious mind.
Here are a few habits that you can develop in
order to have a promising career as a professional poker player:
Be Vigilant- Scan the Table
in the Pre-flop Phase :
Always try to read the behaviour of the players
behind you. Use of software (HUD- head-up display) that collects and displays
statistics about your opponents is the smartest move to make. This helps in
finding looser open raises that you might get away with and also notice
non-standard stack sizes that might shove over you.
Don’t Let Your Ups &
Downs Bother You :
Variance is the biggest demon a poker player faces. It comes with
inevitability and can/should be fought with all the positivity. Dwelling in the
past has never helped anyone, and the best part about poker is that you can
always counter the effect of a big loss with a huge win eventually. Regular
usage of tracking software and monitoring your bankroll is not advised in the
short-term. This will protect you from some major tilts.
Practice Hand Reading :
A good way to polish your skills is to study a
hand that you played recently and try to make your opponent play in a rough
range. The catch here is that you don’t have to be too specific and assume
things, but at the same time not be too vague. Come to conclusions based on
logic but never take that as the gospel truth.
Warm Up Your Cognitive
Powers :
Even a poker player needs a warm-up session
before every game. Quickly going through your study material and the hands you
had reviewed is good practice to incorporate in your playing routine before a
game. Never try to consume new material as it will effectively damage your
base. Applying partially consumed theories will never have a positive impact.
The results of introducing these habits in your
routine may come out in a while, but we all know good times take time to come

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